目前测试发现yoloV11 cls的结果显示不太对,yoloV10 libtorch推理的时候,调用这个模型yolov10n_fp32_gpu.torchscript,会报错,我的libtorch版本是1.13.1 gpu版本
stitcherSDKDemo.exe error
OpenCV(4.1.0) Error: Gpu API call (initialization error) in cv::cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount, file D:\opensource\opencv…
使用vs2019, win10系统,libtorch1.6.0 gpu版本,opencv4.5.1版本,把ckpt.t7转换成了ckpt.bin,然后推理的时候崩溃?
Does this library require PyTorch?
I got this when running the multical command
File "C:\virtualEnvs\opencv4\lib\site-packages\structs\torch.py", line 5, in
import torch
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV => 4.3.0
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 16.04
- Compiler => GCC 5.4.0
##### Detailed description
galenzhao@ubuntu:~/openpilot$ scons use_…
Would appreciate some help if anyone knows whats going on, thank ya'll very much!
Simple script:
package main
import (
func main() {
frame := gocv.IMRe…
thank you for you work! when I build it, an error occurred:`/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopencv_cvv`.My system configuration:
- ubuntu16.04
- opencv4.1.1 with cuda10.1
Hope to get your help, thank …
Can anyone help me solve this issue?
[100%] Linking CXX executable /home/shreni/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dso_ros/dso_live
/usr/bin/ld: /home/shreni/dso/build/lib/libdso.a(ImageDisplay_OpenCV.cpp.o): in…
When I catkin_make,
the error "/usr/include/opencv4/opencv2/core/cvdef.h:690:4: error: #error "OpenCV 4.x+ requires enabled C++11 support" occurs. I have tried all ways I can search online, but I…
I tried the latest tutorial about installing openCV4 :
And tried to morph from a source to destination image.