Add Endpoint to return a Parcel Boundary given address, Parcel ID (APN) or all parcel boundaries within a given neighborhood.
@scottsfarley93 here are the centroids.
sql query:
SELECT ST_Centroid(the_geom) As the_geom, ST_CENTROID(the_geom_webmercator) as the_geom_webmercator,
# 🐛 bug report
I'm building a Web Extension with TypeScript + Parcel's Web Extension Config + React.
It was all working before, but I made some changes (notably adding web accessible resour…
Dobrý deň,
Niektorý dopravci, hlavne v Polsku, požadujú zadanie rozmerov balíka.
My máme rozmery v katalógu pri každom produkte ako Product Attribute.
Bolo by možné rozšíriť tento modul tak, že b…
I'm not sure if it's integration issue or not, but for some reason poshtomat entity became unavailable even though it was working previously. I created another api key just to double check if…
# 🐛 bug report
Parcel looking for configs from where its installed, not where the binary is running. For monorepos, This can be problematic when parcel installed in the workspace root.
## 🎛 Conf…
I noticed that your application does not allow user to add parcels with the same name
eg. `add n/Linus a/Utown, #01-01 pc/shopee1 pc/shopee1` would result in just one parcel created.
However if the p…
any plans for this? Maybe can autodetect Webpack vs Parcel using same relative-ci config? I have a project using parcel that I can't use with your paid plugin, but I am using this plugin for webpack p…
Is this plugin compatible with Parcel v2 beta?
I tried every combination of:
"peerDependencies": {
"jquery": "*",
"jquery.js": "*",
"bootstrap": "*"
"externals": [
the README says that Parcelable is supported by @State annotation, but it isn't. I got error:
Error:(55, 16) error: Error at: stateList, Unsupported type android.os.Parcelable annotated with @Stat…