Should we use green+dark grey, PoliTo's colors, a mix of both?
These colors should work in dark mode as well.
Under a course's `videolezioni` array. Example:
videolezioni: [
titolo: '2014_Lezione 01',
data: Invalid Date,
url: 'https://video.polito.it/dl/[hidden]',
**Describe the bug**
It is impossible to access the CrownLabs dashboard in case the local time (i.e. wall clock) is not configured correctly (e.g. one hour back). This is probably related to the vali…
### Studente proponente
s270867 Castellarin Filippo
### Titolo della proposta
Applicazione Java per il calcolo di un itinerario Interrail
### Descrizione del problema proposto
In the following function
function (A::ArNet)(x::Matrix{T}) where T
Can you provide the code of pre-training networks and datasets?
$ cmake -S opensmt -B build
$ cmake --build build
# Error
I have many `ISO C++17 does not allow 'register' storage class specifier` errors in target smtsolvers
[ 53%] Buil…
Check whether it's possible to directy install rsync or not on `circleci/ruby:2.6.0-node-browsers`
Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files.
As a result, Dependabot couldn't update your dependencies.
The error Dependabot encountered was:
Bundler::GemNotFound with message: Could no…
### Operating System
Linux (x86-64)
### OpenRCT2 build
OpenRCT2, v0.3.5.1
### Describe the issue
When selecting a track design, the preview shows the plain station style instead of the …