If we use Supermon816, can we remove the original monitor code, and add (fast) serial IEC in that place instead?
the format of voltage and current in MQTT are different by BMS and Victron Smart Shunt.
- Serial 0 Victron SmartShunt
totalVoltage = 5218
totalCurrent = -4686
- Serial 2 JK-Inv…
### Which jobs are failing?
- [ ] pull-crio-cgroupv2-node-e2e-eviction issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/127996
- [ ] pull-crio-cgroupv1-node-e2e-eviction
- [ ] pull-kubernet…
## Comportamento richiesto
riteniamo sia utile introdurre il contatore nella voce Serial, come è già presente nelle note interne
![Screenshot 2024-03-01 alle 12 02 35](https://github.com/dev…
ESP32 flashing failure always get error 2?
C:\Users\jibun\AppData\Local\Programs\Thonny\python.exe -u -m esptool --port COM8 erase_flash
esptool.py v4.4
Serial port COM8
I was trying to implement a new method to get "terminalSerialNumber" without using any transaction for that.
I've talked to folks from PagBank and they told me that we can get this info u…
Hello friend, i try the basic code with my wemos d1 mini n transistor BC547 but did't work
This is the result
Feature Request
**Feature Description**:
When a link appears in the serial monitor, it would be interesting to click on it to navigate to its web address. To access it, you could follo…
the debugger ain't working