I am using mbed-os to program STM32WB55RG using MBED CLI2 tool. I have imported the lorawan example code available in the site. The link is added below.
In Debug mode the RAK3172 (without any other peripheral connected) takes 5-6mA when not transmitting.
Is it possible to set manually the port to be used by gdbserver when using servertype of "stlink" ?
When working with the STM32WL55 dual core, I need to set one gdbserver to some value (like 61234), …
Hi, i clone this code, but it can not build successful.
$ DEFMT_LOG=trace cargo run-ex gpio-blink
error: failed to load manifest for workspace member `/Users/zhangxiang/embedded-worksapce/DLB…
Hi all,
I'd like to use BMP for flashing/debugging new STM32WLE5 chips.
I have Seeed Studio Lora E5 module on a DIY …
Hi and thank you for your work with the LoRa E5. I'm using mbed os and mbed studio with the LORA_E5_MINI target which is the board I have at hand. I can build and flash the lorawan example code, but t…
As I was trying to finish my STM32WL port, I found out that STM32WL's TIM Struct differs from older STM32:
STM32WL TIM Structs:
// Low-power timer
type LPTIM_Type struct {
Hi there,
Just want to say great work on the module and board, looks solid.
Using the latest mbed os LoRaWan example and the latest custom targets library, the RF performance is quite bad ( i.e.…
I am attempting to create a Device Support Pack for the STM32WL family.
I have started by cloning https://github.com/marus/cortex-debug-dp-stm32l4, and making the most minimal and surgical changes …
I did everything as mentioned and i can get the e5 board, but i get while compiling:
exec: "/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++": file does not exist
Error compiling for board Generic STM32WL series.