1. https://grew.fr and https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03177701
2. https://neo4j.com and cypher language
3. https://www.ontotext.com/products/graphdb/
4. https://vaticle.com https://github.com/vaticle/ty…
**TL;DR:** The SPARQL 1.1 spec as written has three character escape mechanisms. One of them is weird, differs from Turtle, and makes injection attacks very hard to mitigate. Fortunately almost no one…
##### Project link
##### Project description
As part of the discussion from the UNC GO meeting, we decided to go ahead with a joint GO/GOA pipeline…
Docker makes updating easy, right? Is it so easy that we can provide instructions in the islandora "throw up the simplest isle sandbox with docker" documentation so that someone who's started working …
Need to add PhotovoltaicUnit as an equipment type supported by the PowerGrid Models API
Need input from @temcdrm on which SPARQL query should be used.
The latest SPARQL query from https://githu…
Presently we can specify custom dataset for a sparql query with FROM and FROM NAMED declarations, whose default-graph is merge of graphs declared with FROM, and whose named graphs are individual named…
We should switch to a Triplestore that is completely open source instead of GraphDB.
I have followed the Docker instructions to install ResearchSpace on Ubuntu 22.04. it all seems to have worked well (though I did have to add a step of adding my user to the docker group).
Please add the Morphe Url into the ETL process
Present in source at