Documenting the error when trying to build the desktop application.
$ npm run build
> sphinx@0.1.0 build
> react-app-rewired build
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to c…
I am testing nightmare capabilites, I am just starting to evaluate your work too, because I think it is useful.
But I have a question, how I can add an custom action to Nightmare ?
the following …
When I'm looking at the list of [people in the house today](https://embassynetwork.com/today/), I want to be able to click on one of the people and have the person's information show up so that I can …
### Checklist
- [X] I have read and agree to the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/CoderLine/mocha-vscode/blob/main/code-of-conduct.md)
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## CVE-2021-3918 - Critical Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - json-schema-0.2.3.tgz
JSON Schema validation and specifications
Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/json-schema/-/js…
I'm trying to integrate cypress and testrail using cypress-testrail-reporter, but when I run
`npx cypress run --spec "cypress/integration/1_General/01_Change_Language.js"`
This error occured :
## The dependency [keytar](https://github.com/atom/node-keytar) was updated from `4.2.1` to `4.3.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/develar/onshape-desktop-shell/compare/master...develar…
Extension must save history about user's file navigation
Would love to see an AppImage made for Arm64 so Session could be run on Raspberry, Pine etc.
I'm not sure if interest for this is very low or non existent, but if you have a need for it please gi…
As pointed out by @jameskerr in #2718:
> It's not a good practice to rely on a node module that you don't have listed as dependency.
Since we bumped into #2717 by accident, it got me to wonderin…