Hi everyone, I found a bug while testing N10 LAMMPS in podman-hpc
Image: localhost:/n10-lammps:1.0
Run script:
podman-hpc run --gpu --mpi localhost/n10-lammps:1.0 /opt/lammps/install/bin/…
I have been trying to get slurm-web working on rhel8. I have successfully installed everything using the rackslab repo. Racksdb and slurm-web-gateway both seem to be working fine. However, the slurm-w…
Hey everyone,
First time posting here so let me know if I did not do it correctly or need to add more information.
I am dealing with a performance issues switching from my local machine to an HP…
From what I'm reading in the docs, the 3 executors are AWS Batch, AWS Glue, and local. However for HPC users it would be helpful to have a dedicated executor that submits tasks to that queueing system…
I've compared the results of potential and NLFFF extrapolations for data cubes with dimensions of **64x64x64**, **96x96x96**, and **128x128x128**. The z-slices of these 3D cubes at various heights are…
We use code tunnel on a HPC cluster. Our cluster uses 2 factor authorization and doesn't allow tunnel connection to azure machines, as currently implemented for code tunnel.
We request a ne…
We ran several pyuvsim profiling tests on Bridges-2 to study the scalability of pyuvsim on HPC clusters. The profiling tests aimed to answer the following questions:
1. Given a simulation of fixed vo…
Hi @rcorces and @paupaiz
Building off our conversation from https://github.com/GreenleafLab/ArchR/issues/1218#issuecomment-1022400089, I am currently trying to set up a containerized ArchR analysi…
When I set the tmp_dir (I am working on an HPC that has some issues with /tmp) to a subdirectory within my current working directory ./tmp I get the following report when using the verbos…
**Describe the bug**
Running [`meson.build.txt`](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/files/15324948/meson.build.txt) with NVIDIA HPC compilers returned:
meson/meson.build:168:12: ERROR: Delim…