Encrypting with RSA_PKCS1_v2_1 works, but decrypting fails with the following exception (RSA_PKCS1_v1_5 works for en- and decrypting, other algorithms might be affected too). A FlexiProvider fix is re…
Open the Multipartite Key Exchange view. Select the radio "2 (large parameters)" in "Settings - Embedding degree k". Click the Generate button and then Broadcast PK(i). The second button results in an…
The help key F1 is not working in plug-ins with enabled context help. This seems to be a general JCrypTool problem.
Update the target platform configuration to Eclipse 3.7.2.
The update site at http://www.cryptool.org/jcryptool/update is not working. This page is not accessible via browser (acceptable) and not via update manager (which returns a not available error message…
Integrate the 1.7p2 FlexiProvider release into JCrypTool and test all bugfixes for all reported bugs by JCT.
The DSA entry is not always visible in the Algorithms view. In palette view, the entry is missing most of the time; in tree view, it is visible at all times. The plug-in is active, it must be a proble…