I've reviewed the great tutorial made by @bnodnarb here:
The Orin Nano is running Ubuntu 20.04 with Jetpack 5.1.2 (r35…
Please update jetson-stats with new jetpack
### Linux for Tegra
- L4T: 32.7.4
### Jetson-Stats
- Version: 4.2.1
I have been able to compile and can run this version of ffmpeg. But I cannot get the CLI right.
I am trying to use a rtsp stream as input out to a .mp4 file.
Either I get errors or nothing happ…
I noticed that `ergoCubEmotions` uses a really high amount of CPU on the ergocub-head.
In the following screenshot you can check the amount of used CPU (181%) only ergoCubEmotions was running on th…
On Libraries, TensorRT shows the same version of Jetpack instead real version.
![erro tensor](https://github.com/rbonghi/jetson_stats/assets/1466714/7e302e17-a2be-4531-967c-88a83e3d0962)
I want to know what these parameters mean? Because I haven't found it in the documents or wiki, such as EMC, VIC, SE, APE, PVA, Tboard, Tdiode, Tj, VIN, and does this CPU usage refer to the usage of a…
I recently rebuilt my Orin NX and chose the newest release OS and Jetpack edition as I wanted a clean slate to try ollama in. I saw no difference in the performance before or after following the given…
Please update jetson-stats with this board
### Board
- Model: NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit
- Module: **MISSING**
- SoC: tegra234
- CUDA Arch BIN: 8.7
- L4T: 36.2.0
- Jetpack: …
Please update jetson-stats with this board
- Board(s): P3509-000
- Boardis:
- SOC: tegra194
- ID:
- Code Name: jakku
- Jetpack: UNKNOWN
- L4T: 35.1.0
### Checklist
- [X] I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
- [X] 2. I have read the [FAQ documentation](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdeploy/tree/main/docs/en/faq.md) b…