As requested on 2019-05-01 by H.F. via email:
> Die beiden NWBib-Redaktionen haben jetzt eine inhaltliche Lösung
> gefunden, die Verwaltungsgliederung weitgehend und sehr konsistent mit
> Notat…
Review definitions of the class [`Geographic Region`](https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/blob/58b10bb697a1601922bdbca0dcfd754a1a0eadfd/oeo.omn#L663)
and its subclasses:
- [ ] City
- [ ]…
Get everything running on Server. When cloning WAM_APP_FRED and scp-ing local geojson files, make sure django has the necessary reading permissions (chmod +r) for those files, otherwise it won't be ab…
Make a drawing or create an image of the planned tool and briefly describe its functions.
To be able to compare all regions in germany, I wold like to query all the regions in all federal states:
allRegions(page: 0, itemsPerPage: 10) {
regions(parent: "DG", nuts:3) {
P3nny updated
5 years ago
- [x] Mögliche Abfragen des Nutzers aufzählen
- Welche Landkreise haben am meisten Übernachtungen
- In welchen Monaten gab es die meisten Ankünfte
- etc.
- [ ] SQL-Statements zu diesen Abfragen en…
As of this writing, March 27th, 2020, there is actually no scientific test - as in: a provable and repeatable test - to confirm a case of COVID-19. Here's what the Wikipedia community says:
**Home Assistant release with the issue:**
**Last working Home Assistant release (if known):**
Did work in 70 for sure. Not sure about 71.
**Operating environment (Hass.io/Docker/Wi…
Kreisschlüssel, eine fünfstellige Kennziffer des Landkreises = PK des Landkreises
- [x] Planen der Datenbank
- [x] Leere Werte mit NULL
- [x] Struktur grafisch darstellen
- [x] Geodäsie-Nummern zur Identifikation der Bundesländern einfügen