Updated frequencies make use of little 'g' naming. Implement check for alleles contained within various 'g' groups for linkage disequilibrium matches.
@kosoegawa Could you provide a description of your primary use case (intended utilization) for this software? I'd like to update the README.md with it and ensure there is clarity of purpose. Without…
The BC linkage reference data set (http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/HLA/Linkage_Disequilibrium/B-C_Blocks) contains the following:
B_07:02:01 DRB1_15:14 3.2
Presumably, this is meant to be C in…
Just the paper we were looking for!
Complete haplotype sequence of the human immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable, diversity, and joining genes and charact…
I used 3.11.0 database version.
In nonCwdWarnings.log, I got the following messages:
WARNING - Allele: HLA-DQB1_02:02 not in the CWD list for HLA DB: HLADB3110
WARNING - Allele: HLA-DPB1_09:01 not in…
Current implementation uses a flat GL String structure, ultimately decomposing into lists of alleles using delimiters. This is sufficient for purposes of reporting on Linkage Disequilibrium, but may …
The analysis of linkage disequilibrium (p.10/11) can be improved. The discussion contains some misleading statements; for example, linkage disequilibrium does not depend only single-site allele freque…