It seems that the citation is not obeying the norms presented in https://www.puc-rio.br/ensinopesq/ccpg/download/normas%20teses%20revisado%202020.pdf
In the pdf example, there should be a comma bet…
(Please attach an example .tex file demonstrating the problem or bug.)
A minimal example is attached.
Please describe the feature, problem, or bug:
Attempting to compile using the tufte-book cl…
At the end of first paragraph of Functional Perspectives section in Introduction there is a literature reference juxtaposed with a table reference. Can these be combined as a single reference within a…
While I was looking at https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/457230/35864 on TeX.SX I was trying to get user-defined variables from `VARIABLES` working in a `SPECIAL-TEMPLATE` block and failed to do so.
I'm writing a manuscript in Overleaf, generated from the default `achemso` template and making use of group citations through `mciteplus`. When re-citing subentries of a grouped citation, by default t…
I'm having problems with the template for Elsevier: https://github.com/quarto-journals/elsevier/issues/27
My understanding is that the templates in this repo use natbib.
My other understanding i…
以下, メモを書き連ねるだけ (私が今何に注意を払っているかを共有するためのものなので内容が被っている issues を作っても問題ありません)
* 全ページにノンブル表示するオプションが必要
* ~~PDFの図表をfloatか固定かの設定変更を簡単にしたい~~ `fig.pos` があった
* フォントをOS分岐だけでなく実際にインストールされているかも判定させたい
+ **…
I spend some time to include a list of articles in a smart way. There are several solutions available, see eg. [ rgeirhos /
* 我觉得从第三章开始,按照内容划分的编码排序就流于递增,没来得及按照内容归类了,随着内容的增多,显得有一些混乱。比如:3.7-3.9都是跟数学有关的内容,而4、5、6,我觉得应该都划归到“3 基础知识”里,因为这些知识还会反复出现在一个经济学学者针对不同文本类型如article, beamer, book的编译环境中。
* 而4可以设置为“应用”,有了前面基础知识的铺垫,很多设置或者调整是可以…
this script
const fs = require('fs')
const bib = fs.readFileSync('test/other/mnras.bib', 'utf-8')
var Cite = require('citation-js')
const parseAsync = Cite.parse.input.async.chain