To discuss:
1. Replace `"incomingVolume"` with `"source space"`
2. Replace `"referenceVolume"` with `"target space"`
3. Space specs should be dictionaries, e.g. for BigBrain:
Hi @dfsp-spirit , I wonder how hard it would be to write a mgh/mgz to nii converter? I tried to implement by myself, but I don't know where to get rest of the header information or if the conversion i…
They are currently in image(scanner) coordinates:
## What is XML/REC?
Philips has made a successor for it's PAR/REC format that fixes many of it's shortcomings and should be easier to parse than it's old plain-text counterpart: _XML/REC_
This XML/R…
See this notebook for concepts and API: https://github.com/poldracklab/nitransforms/blob/master/docs/notebooks/NiTransforms%20-%20ISBI%202020.ipynb
### Title
### Short description and the goals for the OHBM BrainHack
`cifti` is a neuroimaging file format that flexibly stores vertex and voxel data in the same file. It's the format…
I'm trying to update this package and add Images.jl support. I've gotten to the point where I can get `include("./src/NIfTI.jl")` working on Julia 1.0. However, I'm not entirely sure how to proceed wi…
Hi -- I'm getting the error below when running FMRIPREP. I can't consistently reproduce it, but it happened on about 9 out of 50 participants. Any ideas? Thanks and Happy New Year!
Node: fmrip…
Congrats! It is a fantastic job! I met some problems with repeating the downstream task -- with dataset RICORD. From the website you have given, I found folders with dicom files and they are not match…
**Describe the bug**
The tag TablePosition sometimes does not get populated depending on the data format.
I uploaded a test folder containing a sequence that was acquired. When it was being acqu…
po09i updated
2 weeks ago