Hey! I saw it's possible to use `postgraphql` as a middleware for `express`. Is it possible to use it as a `hapi` plugin? Thanks.
To roll out schema changes, I am experimenting with deploying a new version of certain tables (say, with a `_v2` suffix) and testing a bit the API before making it available.
To this end, I've been…
Please confirm if the default value of the JWT token expiry is set to 1 day in postgraphql.
Also confirm if there is an option to prevent the token from getting expired at all.
Forgive me if there's an answer for this somewhere, but it might be nice to have an option to show the SQL that gets sent to Postgres from PostGraphQL. Any idea how this might be done?
My is case is I would like to pre-generate and cache a graphile schema and stitch it with other resolvers in an AWS Lambda Function to seamlessly integrate postgraphile into a serverless infrastructur…
1 error(s) in 2.53ms :: mutation AddSlackMemberCount { createSlackMember(input: {slackMember: {team: "monero", memberCount: 47}}) { clientMutationId } }
How can I find details about the e…
abrkn updated
6 years ago
Just started playing around with postgraphql. It's really neat!
I noticed that [the hstore extension](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/hstore.html) isn't supported yet and any hstore …
Thank you for the amazing library. I ran into some issue while creating custom mutation using Postgres procedure.
CREATE TABLE customers (
customer_id INTEGER UNIQUE,
Postgraphql seems to print out stuff to the terminal on every request it responds to. Is there a way to set the log level such that only errors are printed out?
I'm also fine with stdout/err manipula…
A procedure can't return a setof some composite type at the moment.
Trying to start postgraphile with this schema:
create schema test;
create type test.some_type as (a int, b int);