I am interested in NES, SNES, PCE and the Sega Genesis.
Hello, is it possible to implement the touch event from my tablet touchscreen, from my tablet in to touch basic like the "input" - command, or Is there an command already implemented, and if, what is …
Let me say that I love the new scalable fonts. Therefore I am going to spam you with some bugs I found.
I tried to use the Adobe Source Code Pro font. It is picked up ok, but the text layout is not…
GUI is opening properly but not working. Every time I press any button, it show following in Terminal:
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with Qthread
I am usi…
for speed testing I did try to measure the time in GW-BASIC (or QBASIC) with the variables
TIMER and TIME$, but after the TIMER does reach 65.47 (seconds) the TIME$ starts/resets to 00:00:00 and also…
Ensure that all language constants exist in pkg/heartbeat/language.go for P - R chroma lexers.
Should include double checking the correct spelling of the following wakatime verified languages:
Hi, recalling the GORILLA.BAS game released for QBasic I found a compiled GORILLA.COM version here: [https://github.com/sblendorio/gorilla-cpm](https://github.com/sblendorio/gorilla-cpm) found under b…
gd-99 updated
3 years ago
I've been looking for an IDE to help people learn programming. My benchmark is QBasic, which helped me learn programming. Most environments are way too complex or don't offer the right feature set. Th…
In this line, I know you're trying to illustrate what you're doing by showing the 2^…
Source Code Pro is a relatively thin font. DOS rendering with it looks weird, especially at lower font sizes. It has a bold version, but I haven't found out how to specify details beyond the font fami…