Hi, I'm using my own public icloud calander link and when I try running the systemsix python file on my laptop, I get an error that states...
INFO:app:systemsix.update_or_start(); update hour: 16.
What kind of swag would you love to see done up in Gatsby style?
Post your ideas here and vote for your favorites!
Consolidating ideas from other issues:
- Posters (was #99)
- Sunglasses (wa…
How can I Control it with Google assistant
you say in your buy list not to buy the low profile sockets, but i was interested in trying to go low profile switches, could you explain why that will not work here or if there are some options to go…
## Introduction
Recently I acquired a few of the Meawow MHO-C122 (2AWMOMHOC122) sensors for a bargain price.
Hoping I was able to scrape the sensor data from the advertisement or basic readout of so…
FaBjE updated
11 months ago
See https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8224#issuecomment-1235722036
>> Mobileness is exposed in navigator.userAgentData.mobile: https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#getters
> Right, but t…
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Objective: This Bounty is for stress testing the [zUniPool Contract](https://github.com/amateur-dev/Unipool/blob/master/contracts/zUniPool.sol), using, Truffle test and Forked Mainnet.
Please go th…
Hi Danil
Your assumptions are correct. Please proceed with integration and let us know when ready to test
Hello Adrian,
Example for order id : 214140. I understand about:
- CampaignId…
Currently, this is valid:
Sub WriteFoo()
End Sub
and this is valid:
Sub WriteFoo()
Console.WriteLine("foo") : End Sub
but this is an err…