**User Story**
As a student I want to be able to see through a tracker card when I am not eligible for funding due to my application being past the 6 week deadline. This is important as current state …
### Oracle-ads version used
- [X] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.
- [X] I have confirmed this bug exists on the [latest version](https://https://github.com/oracle/accel…
已经调整分辨率 cmd内可正常获取到答案 但没有自动填写答案操作
also consider mouseover information saying the owner deleted the study data
via @codebeaker study
She suggested providing a set of practice files, WDL and json files
For me, this would ideally be a single button click that would populate the example files into the file …
As a product owner I need to understand data download user needs in order to better meet their requirements so that they have a user centred service provided to them.
Draft possible ux scenario
## User Story
As a bootcamp student
I want the prework notes to be structured on the webpage
so I can easily find and read information
## Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN a prework study gui…
# JavaScript
## User Story
As a boot camp student
I want the prework notes to be structured on a webpage
So that I can easily find and read the information
## Acceptance Criteria
Mobile replay is pretty far along. It's worth throwing some light on it with a launch, IMO. However, since it's far along I don't think we need a Before/During/After launch plan - just a couple of ini…