1. [ cheat sheet about DL/ML architectures](http://www.asimovinstitute.org/neural-network-zoo/)
2. http://deeplearninggallery.com/ - Deep Learning Gallery - a curated list of awesome deep l…
When I test with a trained model, I use the command: python test.py --dataSet14 --inference_depth 9 --feature_num 96 has the following error
Features:96 Inference Depth:9 Initial LR:0.00100 [model_…
I have been trying to run the ROLO_network_test_all.py code. However, I keep getting this error
ValueError: Restore called with invalid save path /u03/Guanghan/dev/ROLO-dev/output/ROLO_model…
### Context: scikit-learn's usage and specificities
While the current `Nodes` and `DataContainers` this is sufficient for most library like SciPy and NumPy which can entirely be used with free func…
Pose a question about the one of the following possible readings: “[Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting (Links to an external site.)](https://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume15…
I am trying to implement the layer normalization and LNRNN (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.06450v1.pdf). Is there anybody interested in this implementation in Lasagne?
PS: Keras code: https://gist.github…
**Linear Regression Derivation**
Post your questions here about: “Image Learning” & “Audio and Video Learning”, Thinking with Deep Learning, Chapters 13 & 14.
Hi Koen,
I have read your some papers about bspline transformation for medical image analysis. However, I'm still not sure how to change the bspline transformation operations into a neural n…