Hello, I read in the guidelines that you have interest in adding more adapters. Recently I've been working with [ClickHouse](https://clickhouse.tech/) which is a columnar OLAP engine developed and us…
Ok so, I'm a totaly noob in sql but why there is no sugestions for just normal sql syntax like if readme gif?
I don'y have _select_, _from_ etc. syntax, just a column name sugestions. What soould I d…
❯ jarvim -g ─╯
⚠ Backup /Users/mandalarian/.config/nvim to /Users/mandalarian/.config/nvim-bak folder
? What is plu…
idkjs updated
3 years ago
Looks like the results window disappears as soon as the mode is changed for e.g from visual to insert.
Would help if the previous query results stay in the window until the new query is executed.
Consider the following minimal `init.vim` file:
let $DOTVIM = expand('$HOME/.config/nvim')
set runtimepath+=$DOTVIM/bundle/repos/github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod_async-query
set runt…
I found issue #30 about executing only selection as query, and while single line query…
Sometimes it's useful to run SQL commands from inside a source file - either an SQL string inside an host language or some lines from a `.sql` file - but dadbod-ui only supports running SQL queries fr…
code in here https://github.com/glepnir/nvim/blob/packer/lua/loadpack.lua just three plugins. check startuptime..it takes too long time.
times in msec
clock self+sourced self: sourc…
> Is it possible to have a mapping to execute the query, instead of writing the buffer? That way you could have many queries in a file and run them individually or only some but not all.