**What happened**:
Many AKS maintained Pods are running with memory overcommitment, eg:
- omsagent (Daemonset; up to 375 MB)
- coredns (Deployment, up to 100MB)
- kube-proxy (Daemonset; unlimite…
### 📜 Description
If you install (upgrade) [Devtron Hem Chart](https://helm.devtron.ai) with `cicd` install module enabled the Helm is raising an error (CustomResourceDefinition `workflows.argoproj…
**Feature ETA: This feature is currently in Public Preview. GA is planned for early 2025.**
We have dedicated GPU workload that can only be ran on Windows. It would be great if we can leverage AKS…
start https://github.com/Azure-Samples/java-on-aks on win10 with account 88**24@qq.com jiwag@321
install java8, https://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
install maven: https://linuxize.com/post/…
JHinW updated
3 years ago
### Service(s)
Azure, infra.ci.jenkins.io, release.ci.jenkins.io, Other
### Summary
This issue tracks the works related to migrating the AKS cluster [`privatek8s`](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/…
**Which component are you using?**:
**What version of the component are you using?**:
Component version:
**What k8s version are you us…
* [x] I've searched in the docs and FAQ for my answer: https://bit.ly/argocd-faq.
* [x] I've included steps to reproduce the bug.
* [x] I've pasted the output of `argocd version`.
**Describe the bug**
According to the documentation at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/use-kms-etcd-encryption, creating an AKS cluster with etcd encryption and keyVaultNetworkAccess=priv…
@AndiMacht1 See https://github.com/LM-Development/aks-sample/actions/runs/11096971933/job/30868132208