#### Steps to reproduce the issue
1. Install Akismet as an mu-plugin and connect Jetpack user
2. Go to Jetpack Dashboard `wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack#/dashboard`
3. Scroll down to `Anti-spam`…
**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0xa3d4e5242323ee490da9b267496747be8cba6ec6bc304ffa57160a721a7d3581
**Severity:** low
https://tinyurl.com/5t6bte4u (changed link to removeddit since /r/monero mod re…
https://tinyurl.com/5t6bte4u (changed link to removeddit since /r/monero mod re…
https://tinyurl.com/5t6bte4u (changed link to removeddit since /r/monero mod re…
The website would need an integrated forum, to allow for the community to grow and interact. I'd need very drastic anti-spam options. Best solution would probably be to allow login only through github…
Every time I find structures it says finished search with no results instantly after trying to find seeds.
Information that might be useful:
The server has Anti-Xray (Spams random ores)
The s…
1. Log in to AMO
1. Select Edit my Profile from the user menu (https://addons-dev.allizom.org/en-US/firefox/users/edit)
1. Set a display name In the Edit profile page and click on Update Profile…
Proposition de @Evileoo:
Avoir un système de vérification pour éviter qu'une grande majorité des bots ne puisse accéder au serveur et nous casser les pieds.
Despite the anti-spam honeypot, I keep getting spam emails bothering me to renew my domain name or buy their "contact us" form spam services.
Legitimate users would access my website first and then…