Migrated from [rt.perl.org#127834](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=127834) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT127834$
p5pRT updated
7 years ago
I spent 12 days in San Francisco in early November, 2016. I met a lot of people in a lot of different contexts, and started to rebuild some awareness of Gratipay as a going concern. I came up hard aga…
Keďže je veľa lipov, ktoré vychádzajú z pôvodného prekladu, chcem Ti uľahčiť revíziu a vypíšem Ti sem iba to, čo treba zrevidovať. Lipy sú z mojej strany uploadnuté už v kompletnej zostave... Kľudne m…
A big part of the standard startup package in the private sector is a culture of playfulness. This not only helps attract and retain talent, it is also and important part of bonding and keeping people…
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#127810](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=127810) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT127810$
p5pRT updated
7 years ago
by **fmccabe**:
I have been working on a programming language, also called Go, for the last 10 years.
There have
been papers published on this and I have a book.
I would appreciate it if google cha…
I'm banned? :o
k756u updated
8 years ago
Hi Calf team! Thanks for being there! Your plugins are simply great! But :
Why did you change your plugin's GUI that hard?
The new calf colour theme..nah..too bright and somehow inattractive IMHO. It…
As iD went live lots of people appearig out of nowhere and making (mostly useful) edits. What I have observer was that the edits with (empty) summary skyrocketed. This is pretty bad for QA work as we …
As per http://www.tfl.gov.uk/info-for/media/press-releases/2015/february/mayor-announces-santander-as-new-cycle-hire-sponsor