In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.
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- UK (United Kingdom)
- US (United States of America)
In the list I see examples like Tay that are mixed together with systems that have problems on a design and structural level (PredPol for example). Tay was just a bad marketing idea, probably from som…
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| paper | [A comprehensive state-of-the-art survey on data visualization tools: research developments, challenges and future domain specific visualization framework](https…
This paper presents an interactive game representing the types of tasks solved by machine learning algorithms. It supports the definition of Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning…
# Introduction to machine learning
What is Machine Learning?
Machine learning (ML) is a modern software development technique and a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers …
Post your questions here about: “[Training and Taming Deep Networks](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gne-oWcJs1p5sEjUumapq6HKeaOet3EHxJ-Ij0LuTro/edit?usp=sharing)” & “[The Expanding Universe of De…
I just learned about [hypergrib](https://github.com/JackKelly/hypergrib) (via [this blog post](https://openclimatefix.org/post/lazy-loading-making-it-easier-to-access-vast-datasets-of-weather-satellit…
This will allow the auto-generated API documentation to contain more information.
I trained a model to predict the presence/absence of a mutation in a gene on H&E slides.
When I want to exploit SlideFlow Studio in order to visualize the prediction live, once I load the Project …
We found that the variable-key database would have a first-order leakage and was broken by a first-order CPA though it is mentioned that the traces in the database should have no first-order le…