It’s GroundedSAM free or not? If not How to get Api key to using this service?
import cv2
import supervision as sv
from autodistill_grounded_sam import GroundedSAM
from autodistill.detection imp…
Hi @vietanhdev
I love your project and I want to support your project with some suggestions.
I have a suggestion for you, maybe you can combine anylabeling with repository [Grounded-SAM](https://g…
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: (ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')), '(Request ID: ea7dea4f-6b82-401c-84a6-3d970e2416ba)')
I am trying to run the python grounded_sam2_tracking_demo.py
I am using a NVIDIA RTX 4090. But it is giving me a CUDA out-of-memory issue. Which parameters can be reduced to solve the memory iss…
ns-export-semantics semantic-pointcloud --load-config /home/catas/FruitNeRF/output3/output2/output1/fruit_nerf/2024-08-27_173038/config.yml --output-dir /home/catas/FruitNeRF/output3/output2/output1/f…
请问,离线运行,配置文件需要修改哪些地方?需要下载config.json等文件,放在哪? 在没有联网的服务器上运行,报 OSError: We couldn't connect to https://huggingface.co to load this file, couldn't find it in che cached files and it looks like bert-base-u…
### Is your proposal related to a problem?
I have an application where I wish to link dataset A, representing noisy transactions, to dataset B, a master entity list. For dataset B (the master list)…
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