Getting issue with Lerot on Mac Python2.7
## 🚀 Feature
Generalize `binary_kernel_reduce_vec` to support the more advanced reductions that can't be vectorized currently, e.g. `torch.norm`.
## Motivation
As mentioned by @ngimel in http…
Sestavil sem algoritem, ki preveri matriko sosednosti in naj bi vn vrgel rešitev vektor x, ki nam pove katero številko barve imajo vozlišča po vrsti in pa kromatično število grafa.
Vendar rešitev mi …
SECRET_KEY in settings/base.py
Superuser passwords in createsuperusers.py
Slack post hook url in ilp/apps/common/utils.py#post_to_slack method
ansal updated
6 years ago
From a crater run:
[INFO] [stderr] Compiling ilp v0.2.1 (/opt/crater/workdir)
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `h2::proto::streams::buffer::Slot: std::mark…
It would be useful if this plugin could act as a Fluent formatter plugin for Influx Line Protocol. It would extend its usefulness to do things like putting ILP onto a Kafka topic.
civik updated
7 years ago
In dev data does not load for 2016-17
Data loads slowly for all other academic years (10 -15 seconds)
when you start up a connector, it would be good if it notifies its neighbors ('hello, I'm awake, send me all your routes please'), so that you don't have to wait 30 seconds before an ilp-kit starts wo…
Dependabot couldn't parse the Cargo.toml found at `/crates/ilp-node/Cargo.toml`.
The error Dependabot encountered was:
[View the update logs](https://…
We need to have all 29 programs included in the coverage evaluation:
What we have:
mr-ma updated
5 years ago