if i put sth from my own inventory to the fake inventory then i click the chest, the event function (on…
2020-02-10 [17:08:40] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: InvalidStateException: "Tried to schedule task to disabled scheduler" (EXCEPTION) in "src/pocketmine/scheduler/TaskScheduler" at line 125
2020-02-10 [1…
How can I get item name in a particular slot??
xorbs updated
4 years ago
[06:05:47] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "Undefined index: en-us" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/AuctionHouse_dev-8.phar/src/shock95x/auctionhouse/AuctionHouse" at line 143
[06:05:47] [Serv…
would it be possible to set for e.g only one item as read-only? Or maybe 2, 3, 4 up to 5? Like you can drop items there but there are some items you can't get out of the inventory?
[23:39:11] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Class 'muqsit\invmenu\InvMenuHandler' not found" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/PlayerVaults-master/src/muqsit/playervaults/PlayerVaults" at line 37
Using the …
This error happens in the latest version. I have a latest InvMenu 3.0
But only a list of letters.
For list, I must press ?.
Actually is a problem with…
The HUD doesn't disappeared, I'm glad. But I found that when choosing the category, the item I set in that category doesn't open (which mean another menu won't open)
I tried to open a menu from another menu.
Following issues occurred:
From a hopper to a chest the hopper will just close, and the chest inventory will not open, since the hopper is replaced with i…