Error editing email for existing contact. Error message says student already exists but there is only 1 student in the entire contacts list. Emails tried: "validemail@gmail.com", "validem…
CS2103R is rejected
Is it true that we just need to complete 5 out of the 8 labs in order to get the 10% marks?
Hi, I was trying to perform this:
But i get this error. What should I do?
Using the +scss option (without cljs/figwheel) how can I auto reload the scss? Currently I have to run `lein sassc once` everytime I make a change.
**I hacked Macchiato to work with the [Express](http://expressjs.com) web framework**, combining the two on the same server. It facilitates Express-based servers to be gradually converted to use Macch…
The Parser component inside the Logic component still has the name `AddressBookParser` instead of `StronksBookParser`. If intended, could be quite misleading for readers who are also acquainted with A…
output not shown on pg 5 of pdf
We've got a multi-module project (a monorepo really) where top deps.edn file contains definition of all extra paths required (ie. for testing). The problem is that Cursive can't resolve extra p…
Cosmetic bug:
The top diagram (cut) and the bottom diagram (cut) are not of the same size.