I needed to correct a bivariate binned distribution to have uniform marginals.
(application is from binned copulas for checking results in #7408 )
Iterating works, trial and error
pc = ag …
Hi, according to the paper, the marginalized factor can be represented by
> E = 2x^(T)b + x^(T)Hx
where b and H correspond to bM and HM in the code, respectively, and x is the current so called …
Basically, implement the following [R+python code](https://gist.github.com/Bisaloo/8f2c8c4fc79687e39c844a4f199e75b1) in pure R.
We currently have a flag that turns off the histogramming (1D or 2D) for variables, which is checked at the creation of histograms. It essentially is a flag for whether or not we _store_ a histogram.
You are sampling in p(z) or N(z) space. Let's also try optimizing in p(z) space. Here you drop the prior over p(z) and just optimize it, but marginalizing out the redshifts of all the individual gal…
When preparing #240 I stumbled across having to pass both FiniteGP for input features `f(x)` and targets `y` to both `posterior` (for PosteriorGP) and `logpdf` (for log marginal likelihood). Maybe the…
Defaults to 200 in some instances, particularly JuliaRobotics/RoME.jl/test/testDidsonFunctions.jl before the line `L1pts = evalFactor2(fg, f2, fg.IDs[:l1])`
It will be nice to able to show geom_hex along with two densities on top and right since there are circumstances where scatterplot is too slow due to the huge number of events.
For clarity, the class should be renamed to `Marginal` as the constituents of `ProbInput` is a set of one-dimensional marginals.
Neat web app @luccazade and @DanNeidle ! Though I just noticed that I think the Health and Social Care Levy might be inconsistently applied- the 1.25% is added to the main rate of NI but not the addit…