Hi there!
I'm working on https://github.com/gdalle/DifferentiationInterface.jl/pull/375 and struggling to figure out what's wrong with the example below:
julia> using Enzyme: Enzyme
I believe the previous version of BAT had an interface for working with RooFit likelihoods (that can be stored in a RooFit workspace in a ROOT file). I am curious if there are plans to provide…
This issue is currently just a placeholder for performance-related issues around parametric batch solve.
using IncrementalInference #v0.29
using RoME #v0.19
fg = initfg()
**Issue by [bgoodri](https://github.com/bgoodri)**
_Tuesday Aug 23, 2016 at 03:11 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/stan-dev/stan/issues/2023_
#### Summary:
Support solving a syst…
I am trying to use Enzyme to differentiate a function which builds and solves a NonlinearProblem. I believ the issue is with the enzyme extension which is why I'm opening the issue here.
I'm currently implementing NeRF, a neural rendering method published this year with great performance. The original code was offered in TensorFlow, and I mainly modified from this vanilla lego example…
The SciML ecosystem has had it's own "AD-backend" types since before AbstractDifferentiation.jl was created. Those have more recently been exposed in the standalone packages ADTypes.jl.
From a user…
### Description
The code shown below causes the compiler to crash when built in either Debug or Release mode.
The full assertion failure is:
`Assertion failed: (!Src->getType().isAddress()), func…
Forward sensitivity speeds are currently held back by the parameter jacobian evaluations, which can be enormously expensive to compute for our problems (lots of parameters) without sparse differentiat…
using Enzyme, QuadGK
function polyintegral(coeffs, config)
f(x) = evalpoly(x, coeffs)
return first(quadgk(f, -1.0, 1.0; config...))
coeffs = (1.0,)
config = (; …