Questions were raised at the 2020-10-09 meeting
* No rois in XPCS in APS example datasets → Is there a “full example” available?
* CHX example has a different structure → converter needed:
- [x] dqlist --> dynamic_q_list
- [x] sqlist --> static_q_list
- [x] dphillist --> dynamic_phi_list, This one has a mask/map, but is associated with `dynamic_roi_map`
- [x] sphillist --> stat…
When attempting to use the “constrained or simultaneous fit” functionality with the master branch SasView version, the fit isn’t correct.
For example, the attached plot shows the fit the three tut…
Nothing happens when trying. this is error message
``` …
Greg Smith and Jan Ilavsky have both reported an issue with the NXcanSAS reader in MacOS. The release version works in Mojave, but not in BigSur and possibly not in Catalina.
Both had similar trace…
- `dphilist`
- dynamic phi list is most valuable in context of SAXS (or any scattering pattering with a ring), but it isn't always computed so this should be optional.
- `sqmap`
- `sqlist`
Related problems appeared in these issues, (#484, #485, #487, #490). Time to rebuild this support and make it rely on common tools that *any* APS beam line can use.
Make sure that the same support…
Using RE(myLinkamPlan...) does not set PV for Collecting data and does not run start of data collection (dark currents for detectors etc.)
- for the future, be able to distribute data independently from the code (separation python2/python3 & common data)
- remove the "copy" stuff from tests to be able to test in a more robust way