When I try:
java -cp target/biggis-landuse-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
biggis.landuse.spark.examples.GeotiffToPyramid \
./data/DOP_RGBI_T2.tif \
new_layer \
I get the following error…
Hi everyone,
I am trying to run
`roslaunch uuv_tutorial_dp_controller start_tutorial_dp_controller_demo.launch`
`roslaunch uuv_control_utils send_waypoints_file.launch uuv_name:=rexrov`
**Reported by @AndrewWittenberg on 4 Oct 2005 22:04 UTC**
After work today, I discovered something that may improve the computation
of areas in Ferret:
In testing **Table To Ellipse** in the _Import and Conversion Tools_ I'm seeing that the tool can be really slow when there are a lot of ellipses to create. For example I generated 10,000 random ellip…
mfunk updated
7 years ago
Because Pro doesn't support _feature sets_, and we are forced to use _map notes_ we are missing the requisite visibility modifier fields that RLOS uses to determine ranges and offset heights. So we ar…
mfunk updated
7 years ago
I added a elevation service to a map (ArcMap 10.3.1), zoomed in close, used the RLOS feature set tool to add a single point. Set the distance to 1000m, height 2.
Image service URL
## Expected behavior and actual behavior.
Calling `subprocess.call("gdalwarp -t_srs")` to warp a file from nad27 based projection to a wgs84 based projection doesn't properly do the datum grid shifti…
Hi `@Karl wright`,
How circles are currently build do not behave very well when the planet model is not an sphere. when you are close to the border in WGS84 you might get false positves or false nega…
Received the following error running the Radial Line of Site - Multi Positions tool in 10.3...
Executing: RadialLineofSightMultiplePositions Border_Peaks pointid Elevation Border_DTED_Clip C:…
JPEG2000 .jp2 files that can be opened with the ECWJP2 data store cannot be opened using the JP2K (Direct) data store.
When attempting to add .jp2 using the JP2K (Direct) Coverage Format, the fol…