After adding the plugin, I got an ld linking error:
duplicate symbol _OBJC_IVAR_$_SSZipArchive
This is probably because I already have this plugin installed: https://github.com/MobileChromeA…
consider the following contents of `www`
├── anyfile.txt
├── cdvtests/
├── cordova-js-src/
├── cordova.js
├── cordova_plugins.js
├── css/
├── img/
├── index.html
├── js/
└── plugins/
I am using Phonegap Build to compile my phonegap project. I added the following line to Config.xml to use your plugin:
gap:plugin name="phonegap-plugin-contentsync" source="npm"
but when I run my …
When starting a content sync to a URL that results in a 404, leaves the error response in the file system and unzipping fails.
var sync = ContentSync.sync({
src: 'http://www.google.c…
The NSURLSession delegate functions (ContentSync.m Line 133):
``` ObjectiveC
- (void) URLSession:(NSURLSession*)session downloadTask:(NSURLSessionDownloadTask*)downloadTask didFinishDownloading…
When wp8 merges into an existing file, it won't delete the file then write to the file. Instead it'll write directly into the buffer causing some cruft to be left over.
LG optimus LTE2(d1lkt) 앱 버전 32(0.0.3) 운영체제 Android 4.1
Since you enable downloading new content from an external source to the app, I wonder if you can update the main.jsbundle with this approach.
You define the location of the main.jsbundle in the AppDe…
Hi team,
The cordova-plugin updated, so the git package must have package.json file.
Please update it soon.
To reproduce, clone https://github.com/blefebvre/phonegap-contentsync-plugin-issue and run `cordova platform add ios && cordova run ios`.
![screen shot 2015-08-11 at 5 01 48 pm](https://cloud…