**Create Project**
_Set up_ :
- Project structure
- State Management - [GetX](https://pub.dev/packages/get)
- Local Storage - [GetStorage](https://pub.dev/packages/get_storage)
- Theming
- Li…
Another day, another suggestion.
### introduction
Ever since V4 of states rebuilder the `On(() => child)` widget is an an alternative to the previous `fooState.rebuilder(() => child)` syntax. Alt…
This library was the easiest to setup back in the days in days in v1 ( until 1.15.0 ). for an example, in v1, all you have to do is just these, to make a counter working:
void main() {
xoka4 updated
3 years ago
I migrated from 2.0.3 to 2.2.1 and had a bunch of breaks in my test code.
The root cause of this is in `src/widgets/framework.dart`
Element? get _currentElement =>
At the beginning of your doc.
Have a nice easy quick start to add 36 standard themes and switch between them by user selection.
For Stateful widgets.. it is difficult to see how to do this, examples…
I am looking for an example or 'how to' on navigating to a new screen/perform an action on an observable state change. Both Obx and GetBuilder expects a widget in return but what I want is more like a…
Is there a way to use getX reactively for state management? Lets say my collection changes in Firestore and I want my UI to react automatically.
Also are you planning on adding persistence for state…
Creating custom reactive form field is is a little clumsy.
Flutter promotes composition over inheritance as all software does.
For new field we must extends statefullWidget ReactiveFormField and cr…
Hello, I recently created a video about your package.
[State and Navigation Management with GetX](https://youtu.be/XDWT1RXwQQQ)
I was wondering if you could critique it to let me know if I am u…
in the app
Repeatedly open the details page
start :
"/splash" -> "/index" -> "/details/:productID" -> "/details/:productID" -> "/details/:productID"
When you open details multiple times, the…