Is it possible to update Nativescript app on user's device without submitting app to app stores again? This killer feature is already available for ReactNative and Ionic apps through Microsoft Code pu…
The goal is to shorten the nightly suite and get it green by removing no longer supported configurations. Refactoring them out of the code base is also on the table.
In GitLab by @mhxion on May 17, 2024, 14:08
_Merges hotpatch-fix-experiment-format-name -> dev_
Fixes #33.
A Wrong VNC Password will leave established SSH Tunnel open for a VNC un-established Remote Desktop Connection.
Typing wrong VNC Password several times will open new SSH Tunnels, for each wrong VNC P…
Would you please add what version BIOS you've coded this for to the Readme? I see 1.4.4 as the most popular but I'm working on getting the WD15 dock working well and it recommends the 1.4.12 BIOS. If …
Hi, everybody!
First of all, I would like to thank @tarutaru9250 for making this EFI so easy to use. In my first adventure as hackintosher, I managed to install macOS Monterrey on my Dell G7 7588 a…
Not sure if this is the right place for this ...
I'm butting my head trying to resolve a `.^` inside an app, when the same twig works in a generator.
In `:dojo`:
> .^(json %cx /=home/348/web/e…
Due to my inability to solve the sleep issue on ThinkPad X1 Yoga 3rd, I abandoned the machine and switched to the X1 Carbon 6th 20KH.
I was using BIOS 1.30+Modding (to avoid security patches and g…
## What is the Problem Being Solved?
Some agoric-sdk versions may be mostly compatible between each other so that most operations remain in consensus, but some others cause a divergence. For exampl…