### Context:
We are conducting an evaluative research study to improve the information architecture of IdeaSpace and enhance the findability of our platform for our target audience. The business goal…
## New Term
Submitter: Tim Robertson
Justification: There is no way to identify individuals by e.g. ORCIDs
Proponents: GBIF (already in production), CETAF, DiSCCO
Definition: A list (concatenat…
This issue is mostly to document that there is a potential speedup to be gain in e.g. 3x3 matrix multiply (and possible other operations where the matrix size is "odd").
Current StaticArrays.jl:
### What happened?
using following command to run with ollama
`docker compose -f docker-compose-ollama.yml up --build`
it 's failed when build frontend image
### Relevant log output
Freshly installed _Ubuntu 17.04_ installs http://liw.fi/cmdtest/ instead of _yarnpkg/yarn_
vit@vit-u17:~$ curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
[sudo] passw…
### Steps to reproduce
When upgrading Flutter from 3.19.6 to 3.22.0, the app just freezes in debug mode and release mode
### Expected results
I get this from Xcode: io.flutter.1.ui (10): EXC_BAD_AC…
不知道期刊有無開放 API 可以讓開發者拿到每期期刊資料去做處理或者是整理呢?
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)
:red_circle: **Project Title** : Car Price Prediction
:red_circle: **Aim** : Creating a ML project to predict the price of cars whic…
### What is your project's name?
ClimeFleet Analytics
### What's the problem you are trying to solve?
Transportation is an integral part of any business to function, whether it is about procuring…
The following tasks are required to complete onboarding for an Incubation level project joining the LF AI & Data Foundation. LF Staff will engage with the technical project lead via this issue and wor…