Using the "nsh_indoor_outdoor.bag" bagfile provided by the author, I've launched "loam_velodyne.launch". After a few seconds, the node "multiScanRegistration" crashes with a segmentation fault. I have…
I am receiving four error messages when I try to run runNMR or runwithNMR. I've installed the most recent versions of microclimc and NicheMapR. The error appears using the example in the vignette as w…
Hi, I am in ROS2 humble, ubuntu 22.04
I have downloaded the [rooftop_ouster_dataset.bag](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gJHwfdHCRdjP7vuT556pv8atqrCJPbUq) from here. Then I used [rosbags](htt…
感谢作者做出了如此丰富的对比试验,完全让我没想到的是LINS能达到这么好的效果。因为看LINS的代码和论文,Lidar和IMU的紧耦合结果仅仅作为初值送入Mapping Module,Mapping Module本身还需要再做一次Scan-to-Map的ICP,所以我自己尝试过在不同初值下的Scan-to-Map的结果,发现得到结果差距不大,但没想到实际效果中LINS的结果如此的好。不过可能也有两…
Thanks for sharing the code for this cool project. I followed the instructions to setup the codebase, created symlinks for the datasets by `ln -s /path/to/nuscenes/dataset ./datasets/nuscenes` and ins…
I'm trying to understand the order of operations for the ego-motion.
Conceptually or geometrically it is supposed to move/transform each point forward based on the solved transform by an amount [=tim…
hi,when I compile A-LOAM package,I meet some errors as fellow,
/usr/local/lib/libceres.a(cxsparse.cc.o): In function `ceres::internal::CXSparse::Solve(cs_di_symbolic*, cs_di_numeric*, double*)':
0 above ground points!
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
[ScanRegistration-2] process has died [pid 7634, exit code -6, cmd /home/arafat/lio-…