Apologies if i ask silly or repetitive questions, ive just come back to this.
It doesn't appear that there is a FAR version for KSP 1.2 so all the MAS code that uses it is kind of pointless. I am inte…
Sorry about the constant silly questions, once I get the hang of it... there will probably still be loads of questions, just not as dumb.
I need to make an alarm for my IVA. It doesn't need a light or…
I cannot seem to get Artemis to work at all. Whenever I enable Artemis, my keyboard just goes dark and does not show any effect. I have tried this on both my desktop and laptop, with similar…
`DynValue.NewNil() != DynValue.NewNil() ` returns true.
I'm using the Unity Asset Store version of Moonsharp.
I was wondering if you will be implementing the Lua Lanes library into moonsharp or have plans to?
If not, how would you recommend starting if I was to implement it myself?
I get this error after adding your project to unity. I am using Unity 5, which may be the issue. Here's the full error:
Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The c…
Running route.GenerateInstructions() in parallel throws an exception
var routerDb = RouterDb.Deserialize(File.OpenRead(routerFile));
var router = new Router(routerDb);
Would be cool to have a LUA layer type in which people can draw on the layer like a canvas.
Could also make layer conditions run a bit of LUA to start with.
**Edit:** Might even be better to extend t…
Reported on [the forum](http://fungusgames.com/forum/#!/general:fungus-lua-and-web-gl-uni)
The repl MoonSharp.exe throws the following exception on startup:
Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve t…