#### What are you trying to achieve?
Clear all cookies from nightmareJS using `I.clearCookie()`.
#### What do you get instead?
Hangs for an eternity. If I replace `I.clearCookie()` with `I.cl…
I am using nightmarejs in my meteor project. I am using it inside my meteor methods in server. So, Its running fine.
But i need jquery injected into the website. I placed the `jquery.js` in `/publ…
Hi, we're trying to do something crazy here at https://github.com/resin-io/etcher. We're trying to automate the process of taking screenshots to our application (for the website, etc) by controlling t…
I am trying to run NightmareJS on Elastic Beanstalk and I keep having an issue with Electron.
Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/tmp/deployment/application/node_modules/electron/el…
I am using PhantomJS 2.1.1 to capture the screenshot of a webpage. The page has three divs with style overflow hidden and auto property. Unfortunately PhantomJS is capturing only top div image …
I am using electron-prebuilt version 1.3.3
I've git cloned electron-quick-start ( https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start.git) and did npm install (node version 4.5.0). When I try to do npm…
@simon991 Maybe the `/tmp/` socket can not be created?
Unfortunately the error message is not really helping... :)
➜ webapp git:(master) ✗ docker logs -f webapp
02 01 2017 20:06:09.745:DE…
Hi Gal, we're Augury, located @ Haifa. Our favourite hummus in the area is Abu Shaker and our favourite pdf lib is HummusJS :)
We're trying to use your great tool to post-process a pdf (generated w…
PhantomJS engine is kind of outdated and a lot of modern websites are rendered like shit (hello flexbox support).
Using NightmareJS (which use electron under the hood) might be a solid option.
I'm trying to scrape a webpage with nightmareJS and got stuck.
In my program i pass to the function an array on links which i need to the same data from all of them
The list can be very long (over 60…