The display of some spanish characters is not done corretly, Plan9 has the
same problem with the Vera font, could acme-sac include any other font?
For example Á ó and the like appears hal…
Als Person beim Mitgliederdienst des SAC
möchte ich sicher sein können dass die Mitglieder gewisse Daten über sich selber nicht mutieren können,
um die korrekte Fakturierung und Betrieb sicherstelle…
I have updated `gmt6` recently and found a very useful module `pssac` (`gmt sac` as a modern name). It reads sac files directly and make a record section while `pswiggle` needs an additional conversio…
Carry-over fromhttps://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/pull/17639:
Currently in default.render we render **either** SAC scale **or** CAI scale. Based on this statement in the CAI proposal
> It's not m…
Have you compared the SSRL with PPO? I find the following code in your code:
What's the performance between them?
def make_ppo_networks(cfg: DictConfig, saved_policies_dir: Path,
Hi @timoklein! Thanks for your generous sharing!
I think your repo is more readable than the official implementation for Pytorch users like me.
I tried to implement `redo` with `SAC` and `DrQ`. …
I am studying by referring to your CQL code.
But, I think Line 68 not be proper to Offline RL when I run the train.py of CQL-SAC.
Line 68 : buffer.add(state, action, reward, next_state, done)
> Der nächste Schritt wäre einen Agenten mit zwei Optimierungsalgorithmen zu trainieren. Hierfür könnten Sie im Reinforcement Learning-Bereich den PPO und DQN Algorithmus verwenden. Sie könnten aber a…
The display of some spanish characters is not done corretly, Plan9 has the
same problem with the Vera font, could acme-sac include any other font?
For example Á ó and the like appears hal…
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`https://pbs.puzzle.ch/api/events?include=dates,advisor&filter[group_id][eq]=391&filter[type]=Event::Course` returns HTTP 200 with advisor …