There should be overloads for `ODEProblem(rs::ReactionSet,u0,tspan)` and `SDEProblem(rs::ReactionSet,u0,tspan)` which allows the user to define ODEs and SDEs directly from a reaction set which builds …
Splitting out a discussion for @gcp's comment in https://github.com/gcp/leela-zero/issues/591#issuecomment-357496732
> Bootstrapping 6x128 was (very!) unsuccessful so far. From eyeballing the results…
\cc @melgor
Using only triplets with the current OpenFace code doesn't
give us LFW accuracy over 90%, which I'm surprised by since
the VGG dataset is much larger than the CASIA/FaceScrub dataset
bamos updated
6 years ago
Try creating a simulated network with the attributes:
1. 100 nodes
2. 1000 edges
3. Reciprocity=0.5
4. Clustering=0.3
5. Edges with random weights, I think `range(0,1)`
I try to make 2 networks with shared layer something like that :
/--> FC3_1 --> softmax1
input --> FC1 --> ACT1 --> FC2 --> ACT2 /
This is nontrivial.
# Possibility 1: Completely in Python
- Create a separate Python library to load a Torch model from disk based on [Torch's implementation](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/mast…
bamos updated
6 years ago
I have two datasets different with differents kind of label different. So I have two different networks but I want to shared some layers (the first convolutional) between them during the tra…
Hi! I've recently updated from v0.11 to v.012 using pip with CUDA 8.0, cuDNN 5.1in a TitanX under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
During the training of a small CNN triplet network with triplet margin loss I not…
There are a few issues in this "Network Configuration" section:
1. There are …
Is it possible to implement a Siamese network using current dag branch of matconvnet? Is so could you please share some sample codes (if available) on it.