- HUC8 ?-- maybe use the boundaries Dave created for SPARROW
- Stream Hydrography
The following to be sent from Paul:
- Bedrock Geology
- Aquifers -- see https://dashboard.water…
I've recently enabled the tool as a layer preview for dataset pages that the [Open Water Foundation](https://openwaterfoundation.org) publishes. Thanks for providing this tool because other tools req…
### Goals
- [ ] #86
- [ ] Test processing the full life-cycle of isolating raster values for a given coverage, re-classifying and re-sampling to the template resolution (for now is indicated by vark…
Currently camels USA files are supported by HBV forcing.
This functionality should become part of eWaterCycle in future and was mostly done for the purpose of my thesis.
Some streamflow files incl…
Hello Josh,
I came across your package and really like its functionality. However, I ran into one issue when applying `batch_distribution` to [USGS Gage 15875000](https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/ak…
There are some nearby USGS stations with continuous data that might be of interest ...
Hello, trying to perform a simple download, which I can replicate in the webpage with https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/download/632211e26883b1f7/LC92040332023207LGN00, but I am getting an error.
**ISIS version(s) affected**: 4.2.0
On my Mac, I tried to run spiceinit on a M3 scene with the following command:
spiceinit from=M3G20090112T165924_V03.cub
and I got the fol…
These need to be included in the final checks to make sure the USGS data releases are complete:
1. The reviewers should catch most things, but these are some of the things that I am spot checking:
**Dataset link**: "[available upon reasonable request](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad0f72#erlad0f72s6)"
**Region**: two Enel Green Power North America solar farms in s…