Some suggestions:
- Etherpad (e.g. from the carpentries or software freedom conservancy - slightly problematic that we don't have our own)
- HackMD (My preferred choice, works nicely for Whitaker …
Hi everyone! Fall 2019 is now underway and we're excited to get started with our lessons for the semester. Have a look to see which ones you'd like to attend!
We're also on the lookout for instruct…
I would like to submit to the CarpentriesLab the lesson on Programming with GAP:
- lesson website: http://alex-konovalov.github.io/gap-lesson/
- repository: https://github.com/alex-konovalov/gap-…
## Front page
- Rephrase to use modern lingo and roles (Shoaib): `designed to “help e-Scientists get on with science and get on with scientists”.`
- _eLaborarity_ needs…
stain updated
5 years ago
I'm running jupyter lab 0.32.1 as part of a software carpentry class at LBNL. when running a matplotlib command, previous cell plotted, but subsequent cell would not plot even when matplotlib imported…
In this thread http://lists.software-carpentry.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-July/005303.html @ctb introduces [hackmd.io](https://hackmd.io) and the follow ups discuss some of the strengths of hackmd.io …
should we have a mailing-list to announce our events to interested people?
The events could be listed in the calendar of the library or we could advertise for our mailing-list on the page of …
This is a separate issue created for tracking discussion of a joint Software Carpentry / [Sage Days](https://wiki.sagemath.org/days102) workshop that is planned to be held at the University of Ibadan …
# RFC for Mission Statement
A mission statement are the actions that we take to reach our vision. It should answer questions like these (from [this Forbes article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/patr…
On April 30 I met with the board about teaming upr to put together a 2-day machine learning workshop based on Google's machine learning crash course: