Hi Christoff-
I am getting a new error with my latest run that I am not sure how to troubleshoot. Any thoughts?
`Error in simpleLoess(y, x, w, span, degree = degree, parametric = parametric, : …
I have a dataset sequenced with Novaseq 6000 with 250PE for 77 libraries and four primers: 12S, COI, ITS and 18S, which gave ~1-6 million paired reads per library, with some lower exceptions…
I just downloaded and ran the entire notebook for pancreas using the continuous model and CPUs instead of GPU. The velocities are reversed.
In SymPy.jl v1.2.1, iszero(x::Sym) returns false. In v2.0.1, it throws `ERROR: KeyError: key :boolalg not found`.
using SymPy
@syms x
iszero(x) # returns false in v1, but errors in v2
Stuff that isn't documented that needs to be:
- [ ] `Guide.xlabel`
- [ ] `Guide.ylabel`
- [ ] `Guide.xticks`
- [ ] `Guide.yticks`
- [ ] `Guide.title`
- [ ] `Guide.colorkey`
- [x] Con…
When I run the Jupyter cell using IJulia, the plot is displayed correctly. However, when I reopen the same notebook, the output of that cell becomes some texts rather than the plots.
Hi Jeremy,
I am re-building the ScoringEngineDemo with GenieBuidler. Here's the link to [repo](https://github.com/GenieFramework/ScoringEngineDemo.git). While restructuring the entire app I have c…
Some comments from my side:
1) For a first-time user it is not immediately clear that one has to click on Methods. Everything looks really nice, but "Methods" has to be highlighted somehow. Or simp…
I have been trying to get some of the Escher examples working for the latest released version of Julia v0.5 without success. It's likely that the reasons are different for each that are not wor…
It would be very useful if there were partial dependence plots and variable important plots like there are for random forests and for gradient boosting (with help of the pdp package). I had to code up…