Refactor expectations code. The recursive nature of the code makes it very difficult to understand, debug and cause maintaining issues.
Issues with the code to address:
* Flipping types in expec…
As a player, I want to search for other players by username, so that I can see other's profile and make friends with others from the ranking, and I also can add friends in the application with my real…
After performing the 'compute matches' step, the minimum/median/etc number of keypoints per image is returned so we can have a sense of its success. This is handy, but it's also only half of what this…
Is there a timeline for implementing the [`bxb`](https://physionet.org/physiotools/wag/bxb-1.htm) function to perform beat-by-beat comparison algorithms described in ANSI/AAMI EC38:1998, the _American…
According to the [nfldb wiki](https://github.com/BurntSushi/nfldb/wiki/Statistical-categories#play-statistics), offense_yds are counted by summing
"`nfldb.PlayPlayer.passing_yds`, `nfldb.PlayPlayer.…
Issue: Difference in Differences (DiD) methods using control groups can yield more accurate savings estimates than normalized pre and post intervention comparisons of participant groups only.
# New feedback report from tool interface
* **Reported**: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 00:58:00 GMT
* **Page**: [https://develop--micronutrientsupport-tool.netlify.app/quick-maps/diet/baseline?country-id=MWI…
First of all, thanks for this cool API, it's an awesome sandbox.
The problem I would like help with, I have a collection of 47 images taken with a camera of focal length 800mm
Theia manages to get…
adding data-tags in illustrationList from https://undraw.com/search can give some more features to users like dynamic search by tag likewise algolia is dong in their search
# New feedback report from tool interface
* **Reported**: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 01:06:59 GMT
* **Page**: [https://develop--micronutrientsupport-tool.netlify.app/quick-maps/diet/baseline?country-id=MWI…