### Summary
I'm trying to run the commands
ft = EulerNumber()
ft.inputs.in_file = "path_to_my_file"
### Actual behavior
I get an error: ERROR: Invalid FreeSurfer licen…
**Issue by [clemacq](https://github.com/clemacq)**
_Thursday May 16, 2019 at 14:56 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/populse/populse_mia/issues/86_
**Expected behavior**
Being abl…
Hello all,
I met problems when running fmridenoise on data preprocessed by fmriprep:
`fmridenoise compare /media/ziyu/Kun_SSD/Dep/ -sub Dep001 -p pipeline-Null`
My bids_dir is /media/ziyu/Kun…
There is, at least, a problem with sip. I will give more information later.
I will not force Python version in Pixi to be able to choose any version before compiling. But since the highest version …
This test fails sometimes: https://github.com/nipy/nipype/blob/master/nipype/interfaces/tests/test_runtime_profiler.py#L422
I'm 80% sure the problem is here, but I'd like to get confirmation from the…
The current directory should be changed duriing Nipype/SPM tests to avoid littering the current directory with this file.
I am trying to apply slice-to-volume correction using eddy. However, the [required attributes](https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/eddy/UsersGuide#A--s2v_niter) are not considered appropriat…
Just sub-30.
> Node: mriqc_wf.anatMRIQC.ComputeIQMs.ComputeQI2
> Working directory: /scratch1/03201/jbwexler/work_dir/mriqc/ds003688_sub-30/mriqc_wf/anatMRIQC/ComputeIQMs/_in_file_..scratch1..0320…
### Summary
This is a small issue that prevents me from changing a critical setting in the lower-level feat setup. I propose adding a parameter to fsl.Level1Design() to allow me to change the degrees…
### Summary
Submitting multiple SGEGraph jobs with the same script name and work directory (but with different parameters) seems to cause a conflict with batch filenames.
For some flexibility at…