In PBS this was implemented via accountName and -A option (might be specific for our cluster though).
* How is this implemented in LSF? Via queue(s)?
* How can we implement this? ResourceSetSize?
**[ UUID ]** c6c3b82b-85de-41b1-a8a7-6a9cc39d87c2
**[ Session Name ]** Get your government on board with a virtual internship program!
**[ Primary Space ]** Decentralization
**[ Secondary Space ]** …
When "IndelPlugin-1.0.176-5-1" is used as directory name for the plugin and "IndelPlugin-1.0.175-4" is present, the older plugin version is used and *no error message or warning is issued*.
I'm running mccortex using make-pipeline.pl.
I have an example where I have three batches of paired-end sequences for the same individual. I've noticed that the log file for the initial grap…
de.dkfz.roddy.execution.cluster.pbs.PBSCommandParserTest > testConstructAndParseSimpleJob FAILED
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.powerassert.PowerAssertionError at PBSCommandParserTest.groovy:49…
When using toolString,
- calling `PbsCommand.toString` results in an NPE
- calling `BEJob.toString` results in an NPE
- calling `PbsJobManager.createCommand` results in an NPE
- the PBS submissio…
There is not a lot of information on the expectation of the scope of the icon property in MarkerOptions; I am attempting to pass it a path to a PNG image in the resources but nothing is appearing when…
- [x] Nick Wyke nick.wyke@thetimes.co.uk
- [x] Katy Salter katysalterwriter@gmail.com
- [x] Ben Norum ben.norum@gmail.com
- [x] Thomas Howells thomasghowells@gmail.com
- [x] Isabelle Aron isabelle…
When trying to run `gradle build`, it fails with the following output:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/data/code/BatchEuphoria/build.gradle' line: 21
* What…
At the AoLS steering committee meeting (the March one i think) there was agreement to remove this section from the homepage. Probably worth checking with Roddy and Rachel for confirmation.