Nome: 'Silvio Berlusconi'
data: 25/01/2018
Nome fonte: 'Repubblica'
urlfonte: 'http://www.repubblica.it/politica/2018/01/25/news/centrodestra_nuovo_scontro_salvini-berlusconi_questa_volta_sui_dazi_…
From the read.me file, on using before and after parameters:
Search all subreddits for the term "Trump" and return comments made between 2 and 4 days ago
Computer players have been observed converting cards to trump when they don't want to win any more tricks.
Double check the reward function to see if there are logic bugs. Run experiments with diff…
@aguestuser It would be nice to add some simple data sets to this repo, such that the algorithms and methods explored herein are easier to exemplify and confirm results for.
Let's use this thread t…
## What were you trying to do and how can we improve it?
I was looking for the payments the Trump Campaign made to the Trump Hotel in August and I was able to find it fairly easily. Is there a way to…
From yesterdays match, where BEN lost heavily South has this hand
All vulnerable, IMPS, and partner open 1…
| Mods: | - | - |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `Mod Helpers` | `The Lunatic` | - |
| Name | Male | Has Demon Heart | Difficulty mode | Life | Mana | Defense |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--…
*Note: this needs reconciled with other guidance that suggests passing non-counters (like 9s) is better if there's nothing else "good" to pass: https://www.pagat.com/marriage/pintip.html#passingcards*…
You have
And open 1C, partner respond 1H and you bid 4H to show a typical 19-21 points
Now assume next …