RetroaArch supports some PC systems that have multiple disks. Systems like Atari, NEC PC8800/9800, etc. I have a bunch of games that are not in the (Disk 1)...(Disk 99) format, but rather in (DiskA)…
I tried to pass an `Image` into a `pandas_udf` but got an error.
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import Row, SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf
I would like to add the Spanish language to the application, I can translate the app if you pass the strings to me.
Are you going to translate the application?
Thanks greetings
NES RGB : http://etim.net.au/nesrgb/index.htm
I'm thinking the nes should be more/as basic as the amiga for rgb signals.
I have one on order and if someone wants to help me i'm happy to see if w…
## Feature Request
I wasn't able to find in input plug-in for data coming from a serial port
### Proposal:
Could it be possible to provide such a plug-in that reads data from the serial port accord…
When I play long songs like Pink Floyds "Echoes" (23 min) or "Shine on you crazy Diamond" (13 min) after 7/8 minutes the music freezes (no sound) but the timer goes on...
Courious thing is that it…
Add support for storing banked resources on D64 image.
## Problem:
Every few months, someone will post on Reddit that they're trying to make an intro-to-CS-style input prompt and they're confused why their code using `fmt.Scan*` doesn't work (inevitabl…