If child of component rely on react context api then this component breaks, since, as far as I understand, context is not passed. For example if we use `connect` from react redux to wrap child compon…
I am using redux-persist and react-native's AsyncStorage but only one part of my store is being persisted. My "auth" part of state gets persisted without any problem but all other parts of my state (s…
## 一、新技能 Get
1. `React Hooks`:`React 16.7`新特性,函数式组件中支持 `State` ,生命周期等
2. `Ant Design` 表单验证简单使用
## 二、旧知识 Review
1. `React-Router 4` 路由传参
2. `Redux` 项目结构组织:[面向React/Redux的可维护项目结构之旅](http…
I use [a saga called locationSaga](https://github.com/steinarb/ukelonn/blob/master/ukelonn.web.frontend/src/main/frontend/sagas/locationSaga.js#L20) to listen to LOCATION_CHANGE and for each LOCATION_…
**Do you want to request a _feature_ or report a _bug_?**
**What is the current behavior?**
npm i react-localize-redux@latest
5 high severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (…
"name": "baroque",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@craco/craco": "^6.1.1",
"connected-react-router": "^6.0.0",
"history": …
**Student Portfolio Showcase Task**
**Task Description:**
You are tasked with creating a portfolio website for showcasing a student's completed projects. The portfolio should be built using React for…
Hi all,
First of all, great work on this project. I like how `universal-router` isn't tightly coupled to the browser history/navigation code, making it a very versatile routing library.
HI @wesbos
Do you have any plans to migrate the project to react-router v4, which in turn requires an update of react-router-redux to v5?
# React生态,dva源码阅读